There are no auditions for membership. Some sections of the orchestra are over subscribed but there are vacancies for trumpet and strings.
The easiest way to join us is to come to a rehearsal. The rehearsal schedule is found on our Current Activities page and directions to the rehearsal venue are given on the Find Us page. You will be sure to receive a warm welcome and any member of the orchestra will introduce you to the conductor and leader and find you a place to sit. Alternatively membership enquiries can be made online.
Subscriptions & Concessions
Subscriptions are £80 per term. Students and others on a modest income may request a concession (normally £40). Subscriptions are payable at the beginning of term and may be paid by direct bank transfer (preferred) or cash, cheque or standing order.
What we ask of players
The orchestra is run entirely by volunteers and it only works if everyone helps out. We ask Members, in particular:
- to attend rehearsals regularly, be punctual and come prepared, having practised the pieces to be rehearsed. Rehearsal schedules are published on the website at the beginning of each term and are regularly updated;
- to assist with setting up prior to rehearsals, interval refreshments, and tidying up afterwards;
- to help generate a good audience for our concerts by promoting and selling tickets;
- to assist with the arrangements for concert days, including transporting equipment between venues (both before and after the concert), setting up the venue, providing refreshments and post-concert tidying up;
- to attend and participate in the Annual General Meeting.